Monday, June 20, 2011

How good is Indian Research ???

Yesterday, I was walking in the street and noticed huge swarms of mosquitoes surrounding us. It bites even when I am walking. I was totally irritated by the mosquitoes. Meanwhile I remembered that the sparrows in most parts of India were affected by cell-phone transmission towers and hence the sparrows now live only in forests. Suddenly my cognitive brain thinks "Why not we find some radio waves or some sort of waves to destroy the mosquitoes???". "Why we dont have such a machine to destroy mosquitoes???"

Not only this 'mosquito prevention'.. Indians have not made any significant contribution to mankind in past few centuries. Indians are always in recieving end. We use I-pod. We use Samsung-TVs. We use bose-speakers. We use paper-plates. We use tissue-paper. We like to travel to USA or UK or Europe. We use computers (windows). we use .. we use.. and we use... Don't we have anything to give??? Ofcourse we have coconut and spices and our-IT-brains.

But the question is who is the better side. Apple-computers or Indian-coconut-farmers??? Windows or TCS ?? That makes the difference...

We are not finding out anything useful. But we always implement 'GERMAN' technology Metro-rails. 'JAPAN' technology machines. 'RUSSIAN' missiles... and so on..

Total Non-Sense...!!!!

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