Friday, November 19, 2010

Indian parents and their way of life

The Indian parents are very loving and dedicated to their children. No questions in that. But it is till the time the children cross the maturity level of parents.

Nowadays the parents and children live in two different cultural/belief systems. Parents live based on carefree slow life as in village/town of 1980s INdia. By then the words-to-mouth/mouth-to-word conversation was very reilable. We children live in 2010 ; the concept is Expert-Service with Service-Level-Agreement. This part creates a bit of irritation in parent-children relation (though not serious issue). Whenever I ask my dad/mom on some thing they give a fuzzy time-line. They dont care about the finishing date or any such stuff. But I am concerned about the SLA. Also I need things fast. Could not wait 1 week to get an info from one guy to carry-on my works further.

The concept emerged because most of the works are not done on expected time and in expected manner. Now the problem is most of the world moved to this expert-service model of society .. and hence there is no reliable persons word-to-word society. But our parents still fidelling with forgery/faulty/unqualified persons for getting their work-done and end up in mess.

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